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E-safety all year groups Home learning

Home learning pack from Think you know

6 differen packs to helpyou keep your child safe online - click on the age group

BBC Own It App

As part of our Computing House morning we looked at the BBC Own It campaign. The app has been updated for COVID-19.

The BBC's Own It app helps young people new to social media manage their well-being, whilst empowering children to make smart choices, and helping them to lead a positive life online.

The Own It app and keyboard lets children:

  • get advice whenever they type
  • track their feelings
  • win badges as they reflect
  • find help when they need it
  • taking quizzes to learn more about themselves

The app also includes a special keyboard to use which offers helpful tips and friendly advice to children when they need it.

The app can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.

Further information can be found here: