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Eco Team

Eco Team 24-25 


Gosforth's Wild Web

Gosforth’s Wild Web

Gosforth’s Wild Web visited our school in 23-24.  This gave a chance for our children to explore, record and enjoy wildlife across Newcastle’s urban nature corridors. By sharing what we see, we revealed important information about wildlife in our towns and cities.

Here are some pictures of us exploring the woodland area and which wildlife we spotted with the cameras we set up!


Eco Team 2023-24

A huge well done to all of our children and families for working so hard and helping to achieve the Green Flag Award for 23-24. Here is the summary from the accreditation team.

"It's wonderful that you have appointed such a representative Eco-Committee, this shows your school’s excellent commitment to both the programme and the eco-cause. We love your democratic and fair approach to appointing Eco-Committee members. It’s great to see that other pupils played a part in the process. It was also wonderful to see that they were supported by no less than three members of staff and that a key member of the SLT was kept informed. We love that you kept minutes from your meetings and that they helped to track, guide and prompt your activity.

We love that your pupils have taken their great work beyond the school gates and into their local community with your superb Walk to School promotion. We are also certain that your pupils will have greatly benefitted from your involvement with such outside organisations as the Gosforth Nature Rangers, Living Streets and Northern Gas. The parent quote is a great testament to the work that you are doing with your Eco-Committee, that they are taking their Eco-Schools work home with them and getting their families on board is something to be proud of! Your Eco-Code is really smart and concise. It's a great message and its punchy nature will definitely help it be processed by everyone passing by your Eco-Board."

Burradon Eco-Code