Child Protection and Safeguarding Contacts
At Burradon Community Primary school we have in place Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies.
We define safeguarding as being broader than ‘child protection’. Safeguarding in Burradon Community Primary School confirms what we do for all children, applies across the whole school and is linked to our overall culture, ethos and the principles we follow in school. Safeguarding in our school is child centred and ensures that at all times we work in the best interests of the child to ensure that school is a safe place for all of our children and young people to be.
We define Child Protection as what we do for children at risk of significant harm, or who have been significantly harmed and we have separate clear procedures which are understood by ALL in place for this.
In Burradon Community Primary School we act in the best interest of all children and ensure we take all reasonable steps to prevent them from harm. Having appropriate safeguards in place not only protects and promotes the welfare of children/young people, but also enhances the confidence of pupils, staff, volunteers and parents/carers.
Contact Details for Child Protection and Safeguarding at Burradon Community Primary School
Designation/Role |
Individual(s) Contact Details |
Designated Safeguarding Lead: |
Miss Angela Hunter (Headteacher) 6434680
Miss Hunter can be contacted by ringing the school and asking to speak to her confidentiality. |
Designated Safeguarding Governor: |
Mr Damian Ramsay (Safeguarding Governor) 0191 6434680
Mr Ramsaycan be contacted by ringing the school and asking to speak to him confidentially. Contact details will be taken and passed onto Mr Ramsay.
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: |
Mrs Claire Liddle (Deputy Head) 0191 6434680
Mrs Liddle can be contacted by ringing the school and asking to speak to her confidentiality. |
Additional Designated Safeguarding Leads: |
Mrs Hannah Kane (SENDCO) and Mrs H. Hopper (HLTA) 0191 6434680
Mrs Kane and Mrs Hopper can be contacted by ringing the school and asking to speak to them confidentiality. |
Designated Officer – Local Authority |
LADO Contactable through the Front Door Service - See below |
Front Door |
0345 2000 109 Out of hours: 0191 200 680 |
Police |
999 in an emergency or 101, non-emergency number |
Prevent Duty |
Dedicated DFE Prevent 020 7340 7264 |
NSPCC National Whistle Blowing Help Line: |
0800 028 028 5 |