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Key Stage 2

Key Stage 2 Curriculum

There are nine subjects that must be taught at Key Stage 2. 
These are identified as ‘Core subjects’ or ‘Foundation subjects’. 
The ‘Core subjects’ are: 

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Computing

The ‘Foundation subjects’ are: 

  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • RE
  • PSHCE 
  • Design and Technology
  • Languages (French)


At Key Stage 2 we follow the National Curriculum 2014. All children in Key Stage 2 have daily English and mathematics sessions and we consider it to be one of our highest priorities that children leave school with secure basic skills which will serve them well in the future. To support this we also have dedicated  daily mental maths and spelling, grammar and punctuation sessions to develop and enhance these key skills.


In KS2 children are heard reading regularly by class teacher in dedicated guided reading sessions. Reading books are selected from our Oxford Reading Tree scheme in lower Key Stage 2. Once children are fluent readers they can choose from a selection of books which include non-fiction, poetry and a mix of classic and modern literature books which are told in a variety of narrative styles. We ensure that children have a love of reading and choose books which appeal to them. Classes also take part in whole class reading lessons in upper KS2. 

Creative Curriculum

Lessons are delivered through our creative curriculum which changes regularly and is planned to provide progression and challenge for each year group. All pupils receive at least two hours of high quality Physical Education each week. Computing is taught discreetly and embedded into all areas of the curriculum. 

Please contact the school directly if you require more information regarding our curriculum or if you require a paper copy of any of the information on this page.