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PSHCE at Burradon Community Primary School focuses on the emotional and physical health and well being of our children. Our well-balanced curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils. It takes its aims from our core values:

Learning together; growing together

Be curious about the world around you, ask questions and investigate.

Care and respect yourself, other people, our school and the wider world.

Persevere and be resilient - be the best you can.

Stay safe, make sensible choices and do things that make you happy.

At the heart of the community


We encourage our children to be responsible and respectful individuals who are well prepared for responsibilities and opportunities in the next stage of their life. We do this by:

  • Developing their ability to name and describe their emotions and have a range of effective strategies to deal with emotions such as anger or worry
  • Developing their skills to make sensible, informed choices both in school and outside of school including online
  • Understanding and exploring the importance of perseverance, resilience and setting a goal and how it supports progress
  • Saying how they are special and being able to name some things that make them happy
  • Understanding the importance of being healthy in relation to healthy eating, exercise, hygiene, first aid and drug education
  • Develop an understanding of financial education through exploring themes such as needs and wants and spending and saving
  • Understand different career choices including exploring careers which are stereotypically male or female. 
  • Encouraging children to be a proud to be part of the school community, local area and the wider world and supporting them realise how their choices affect others
  • Developing their ability to form and maintain relationships with others and to know how to make amends when things go wrong in relationships
  • Develop their understanding of relationships such as different families and puberty for children in Y4,Y5 and Y6
  • Encouraging the highest standards of behaviour and supporting those children who find these standards difficult to achieve for a variety of reasons through Thrive and support from other agencies
  • Working closely with external agencies such as the Red Cross, Police and NSPCC to reinforce key safety messages

Implementation: Teaching and Learning

PSHCE at Burradon is taught across KS1 and KS2 in timetabled slots each week.  Children also discuss their emotions during circle activities and daily check in times.

Children follow the Lifewise Scheme of work .This scheme is supplemented by careers work, sports week work, NSPCC pants rule and terminology relating to the proper names for our private areas. We also have Class Thrive plans which focus on class targets that the children need to work on as well as individual and group Thrive Plans. 

In Early Years PSHCE forms part of the PSED Curriculum which is crucial for children to lead happy, healthy lives. The personal, social and emotional strand focuses on self regulation, managing self and building relationships and this is planned for over the academic year. Strong, supportive relationships with adults enable children to understand their own feelings and those of others and begin to manage their emotions.   Through supported interaction they will learn how make good friendships and resolve conflicts They will be supported to develop a positive sense of self, persevere when they find something difficult and wait for what they want. They will learn how to look after their bodies and become more independent. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which the children can achieve at school and in later life.The understanding of the world strand also links to PSHE as children learn about the world around them and their place in the world. Children will also explore differences in people, their own life story and different occupations. 

All PSHCE lessons allow opportunities for pupils to discuss ideas and to work together in a collaborative manner. Opportunities are sought to link PSHCE with other areas of the curriculum, such as computing, RE, English, PE and science. We also recognise the importance of peer discussion, investigations and debates which allow children opportunities to discuss their ideas. Our daily collective worship sessions also focus on the important PSHCE themes we are addressing.

We use a wide range of teaching and learning methods in PSHCE lessons. Our teaching methods include whole class demonstration, group work, paired work and individual work. We recognise that children need to revise areas from previous years and our PSHCE curriculum consolidates and builds upon learning from previous years.

What do our children think of PSHCE?

Year 1 – We learn about how to keep safe around water. We have looked at how to ring 999 if we had help.  We know how to be good friends and share.

Year 2 - We love it because it is fun. We have learnt about our private parts and the pants rule. We get to draw things that are a risk of a fire like an oven. We learn about the feeling of anger and how to stay calm' 

Year 3-  PSHE helps us to focus and to be resilient. It helps us to understand kindness and how important that is. It allow us to explore other people cultures and respect others.

 Year 4PSHE has helped us to think harder about healthy eating habits and hygiene. We have also looked at staying safe on apps like Tiktok and why that is important. We looked at how to cope with big emotions and strategies we can use to keep us calm.

Year 5- We enjoyed learning about careers and learning about responsibility and how it will help me when I grow up. We learned about homophobic language and the importance of being respectful.

Year 6 - You learn about important things and it helps to prepare you for the future. It teaches that everyone is equal and how to celebrate diversity.