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History at Burradon Community Primary School takes its aims from several of our core values:

Be curious about the world around you, ask questions and investigate.

Care and respect yourself, other people, our school and the wider world.


When teaching History we are helping to develop and equip the children with the skills to think and act like historians. We support the children to:

  • Develop a sense of chronology and curiosity about the past, understanding that it can be interpreted differently.
  • Explore and question significant events and figures from British History and to identify and appreciate how elements have changed over time.
  • Investigate and respond critically to significant events and to communicate how they have influenced or affected society.
  • Develop skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation.
  • Gain a secure understanding that Britain is part of a wider European culture, and to study some aspects of European history.
  • Explore, question and reflect on their understanding of society and their place in it.
  • Understand how British Values have been influenced from past events and individuals, which have formed the British Values of today.
  • Explore and understanding how events in the past have influenced our lives todays.
  • Respect historical evidence.

Implementation: Teaching and Learning

We encourage our children to be historians within their learning and promote History across the curriculum for all children following the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Documentation. Our curriculum is differentiated to allow History to be accessed by all children. At Burradon Community Primary School, we actively make links between British History and PSCHE, in doing so, contributing to the children’s PSCHE education as well as supporting the children’s SMSC understanding.

At Burradon Community Primary School, History teaching is taught in all classes from Foundation Stage to Year 6. Please see our matrix below.

At our school, we develop the children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in History starting from Foundation Stage before leaving as historians at the end of Key Stage 2. This is delivered through varied teaching methods, so that the children have experience of working individually, in pairs, small groups and as a whole class. We endeavour to provide all children with a wide range of learning opportunities through numerous ways.

What do our children think of History? 

Year 1:  

Child A: I like finding out about the olden days. 

Child B: History is not now, but the past.

Year 2:

Child A: It is fun! 

Child B: I like it because we do lots of learning and get to know more.

Year 3:

Child A: I like History because it is good to learn more about History we weren't part of.

Child B: I like it because it is interesting! 

Year 4:

Child A: I like building settlements. Anglo-Saxons settlements are different to the ones we learnt about in Year 3 for the Stone Age. 

Child B: I like History because I can ask questions and find out more information about things I am interested in. 

Year 5: 

Child A: I really like being taught about things and events which are quite interesting as I wasn't there so don't know about it. I like the industrial revolution and how machines have progressed to what they do now. 

Child B: I likes learning about the different times from long ago as it is interesting and sometimes, it shocks you! 

Year 6: 

Child A: History is fun!

Child B: Learning about World War 1 has been interesting as it has made me ask more questions and want to find out more!