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British values and SMSC

'Pupils are happy in school. There are many strong characters and personalities, but the diverse mix results in a marvellous blend where pupils bounce off each other and get along with great humour. Pupils are proud of their village.' (OFSTED 2022)

Our school successfully develops and promotes SMSC to ensure we prepare our children to live life in modern Britain. Our provision provides the children with engaging and enriching experiences through a variety of events and lessons, both in and outside the classroom. With first hand experiences of different faiths and cultures within our local, national and global communities, we ensure the children develop their understanding of their own place within modern Britain. We feel this approach teaches our children tolerance and respect for people of all faiths, cultures and lifestyles in an ever changing British society. 

The elements of SMSC are:

SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: This is demonstrated through pupils’ ability and willingness to be reflective about beliefs (religious or otherwise) that shape their perspective on life. They demonstrate a knowledge of, and respect for, people who have different faiths, values and feelings to their own. Through the RE curriculum, visits and visitors, pupils demonstrate an enjoyment in learning about themselves, others and the world and a willingness to reflect on their experiences and compare these with others.

MORAL DEVELOPMENT: Our pupils have a clear understanding of right, wrong and legal boundaries with most pupils applying this understanding. Through our restorative behaviour approach, pupils understand the consequences of their behaviour and are able to reflect when rare incidents occur. Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to express and explain their views about moral and ethical issues, such as Fair Trade, and their ability to appreciate the alternative views of their peers and others. 

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Our pupils demonstrate their ability to use a range of social skills in different settings and with people from different backgrounds. Pupils cooperate well with others and are able to resolve conflicts effectively. Pupils are keen to be members of various volunteering systems we have in place to support pupil leadership, including School Council, ECO Team, Buddies and Sports Crew where they are role models to their peers. As a result, pupils demonstrate the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable them to participate fully and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.

CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: Our pupils appreciate the wide range of cultures within the local community, modern Britain and the world. Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to participate positively in cultural activities like art, food technology, music and sport. As a result, pupils clearly demonstrate their ability to engage and show respect for people from different cultures, e.g on trips to cultural / religious places.

The DfE have emphasised the important role British Values can play in education and has reinforced the need...

‘to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’.

What are British Values and how does this apply to Burradon Community Primary School?

Being Part of Britain

  • We value and celebrate everyone at Burradon
  • We value and celebrate living in and being part of Britain
  • We celebrate British traditions and customs (Harvest Festival, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter, St George’s Day)
  • We value and celebrate national events such as Royal events, a general election and anniversary celebrations, the Queen's Jubilee
  • We learn about the makeup of our country in terms of countries, cities, rivers, mountains and where we are in the world


  • Britain is a democracy and central to how we operate
  • Within our school community (children, parents and staff) everyone has the opportunity for their voices to be heard (School Council, questionnaires)

The Rule of Law

  • Rules and laws govern our school, society and country
  • Rules are made to ensure children are all able to learn and be safe
  • Class rules are established at the beginning of the school year
  • School rules are evident throughout school and reinforced through every day school life, children are taught to value and respect rules and understand why we have rules (behaviour, E-Safety, uniform, attendance)
  • House teams and behaviour systems serve to support good behaviour, attitude and work
  • Society rules are explained to children, who upholds societies rules and why

Individual Liberty

  • Alongside rules and laws we promote freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs
  • Children are encouraged to make choices within a safe environment
  • Children are encouraged to understand that with rights come responsibilities

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs

  • We aim for our children to develop tolerance and mutual respect for the beliefs and views of others. We do this by ensuring our children are aware of the beliefs of others from different Religions and cultures, in order that they can demonstrate an understanding and respect as their life experience broadens and they become a part of the wider world and have the opportunity to live and work alongside others with a wealth of backgrounds and cultures.